
Occupational Therapy (OT) department works Otowards re-establishing physical and mental status of patients to achieve possible highest level of functioning, wellness and independence through recreational, creative and educational interventions.


  • Limb strengthening and breathing exercises, recreational activities and self care training
  • Tilt table activities for preparing gradual sitting posture.
  • Morning outdoor sports for limb strengthening and improving sitting balance and tolerance.
  • Coordination activities to improve hand functions for quadriplegic patients.
  • Modernized Resistive Sanding activities for strengthening of upper limb with audio visual feedback for patient self motivation.
  • Transfer activities from wheelchair to bed/floor level and from ground to wheelchair.
  • Training for activities of daily living and kitchen activities for female patients.
  • Mobility aid use training (propelling wheelchair, driving tricycle, and use other mobility aids).
  • Mobility aid use training (propelling wheelchair, driving tricycle, and use other mobility aids).
  • Pre-vocational assessment for achieving self-sufficiency.
  • Ergonomic advice for adaptation in home and work environment for IPD patient.
  • Pediatric and Sensory Integration set up for Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, Autism, Learning disabilities etc.
  • Services to patients referred by other departments of civil hospital.
  • Follow up of OPD patients, assessment of home environment and training to patient/family members for optimal

Unique features

It is one of its kind of set up for patients of Spinal Cord injury in India run by Government of Gujarat.

Exceptional motivational and inspirational actions initiator for rehabilitation of patients.

Sharing of lessons through mini-movie on “Modernization of Occupational Therapy Equipments” in national conference.

Knowledge and skill transfer to interns/students of allied faculties such as physiotherapy, nursing, prosthetics and orthotics.