To render best quality physiotherapy services to Tachieve pain reduction and functional restoration to make the patients functionally independent.
Physiotherapy services are related to alleviating pain related to movement dysfunction and have key role to prevent and rehabilitate person with locomotor disability.
The department provides services through use of physical agents such as mechanical force, water, heat, radiation, sound, electricity and manual handling; training related to function, aids and appliances and communication; and counseling of patients for preventive, restorative and rehabilitative treatment. tic and degenerative due to ageing.
Exercise Therapy related services such as active and passive moments, passive stretching, mobilization, postural drainage, Myofacial Release, Proprioceptive Neuro-muscular Facilitation, Neuro-developmental Technique, coordination exercise, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, management in ICU and Gait training, Core Muscle Training.
Electrical modalities related services such as Short Wave Diathermy, Infra red radiation, Ultra Violet Rays, Microwave Diathermy, Cryotherapy, Electrical Stimulator, Interferential Current Therapy, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, Ultra Sound and Laser Therapy, Moist packs.
Electro Diagnosis through Electromyography-Nerve Conduction Velocity, Reaction of Degeneration Test, Strength Duration curve.
Advice and counseling for back care, knee care, neck care, home exercise, handling and carrying of child with Cerebral Palsy.