
Through interdisciplinary approach for preventing disabilities and promoting knowledge and practices among all categories of persons with disabilities on rehabilitation.


Services related to physical impairment due to congenital, hereditary, birth injuries, infective, metabolic, traumatic and degenerative due to ageing.

Paediatric viz. Cerebral Palsy, Post polio residual paralysis, Congenital anomalies, Arthogryphosis, Myelomeningocele, Rickets, Muscular dystrophy

Neurological viz. Hemiplegia, Head injuries, Parkinsonism, Multiple Sclerosis, Peripheral neuropathies, Motor neuron diseases, Spinal cord injuries

Orthopaedic viz. Cervical and Lumbar spondylosis, Osteoporosis, Post fracture sequelae, Painful conditions of joints, Peripheral nerve injuries, Perthes disease, Deformities resulting from Leprosy, Secondary complications of Diabetes, Burn contractures and post operative instant fitment to Scoliosis and Kyphosis patient

Arthritic viz. Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Amputations viz. Congenital and acquire, making immediate post operative prostheses and orthoses and on-table fracture brace fitment.

Unique features

Free modular high-tech prosthesis to children below 18 years.

Free artificial limbs to patients above 18 years.

Silicon cosmetic restoration to patients for

Pressure garments for patients with burns and after
reconstruction surgery.

Special machinery for prosthesis, orthosis and
alignment measurement.