Boost up self-esteem of patients with Spinal Cord Injury through skill assessment and development and facilitation of linkages for their rehabilitation.
To boost morale and self confidence among persons with permanent disabilities, Government Spine Institute gives special emphasis to vocational services according to patient’s capacity and interest. The vocational services also increases economic contribution of persons with disabilities to their families and reduce their dependency through self employment.
To achieve this, Government Spine Institute collaborates with various National and International Non Government Agencies and Corporate Houses for provision of need based aids and equipments to the patients. A thorough skill and interest assessment and counseling of patient is done by professional social workers of the institute and they are provided with necessary training on sewing, embroidery, tied work, paper bag, managing shop/business etc. through in-house vocational training center.
To ensure Patient’s wellbeing beyond medical conditions and towards mental, social and economic conditions, Government Spine Institute: e key services of department include