The Department

Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics is running in Government Spine Institute Civil Hospital Ahmedabad, since 1979 providing orthotics and prosthetics rehabilitation to the different patient having locomotor disabilities and enabling the patients to become independent in performing their ADL activity and mobility. Prosthetics and Orthotics college with 4 and ½  year Bachelor program with 12 intact capacity is also running since 2005.


Under the chairmanship of Dr. Rajesh Solanki Director Government Spine Institute. Department has approximately 2,500 lower limb prosthesis, 2,300 upper limb prosthesis, 2,100 Spinal orthosis and 500 limb prosthesis to their various amputee as well as 750 pressure garments to the burn patient within last two years. i.e., one type of milestone acheieve by the department within last two years.

Due to efforts of The Director department has started collaboration with IIT RAM Ahmedabad. For the first time to fabricate low cost 3D printed artificial legs for the first time in the history of Civil Hospital Ahmedabad and greater new milestone in the era of Prosthetic field.

Prosthetic and Orthotic college first time got permanent teaching staff in last two years due to efforts of our Director Dr. Rajesh Solanki.

Department of Prosthetic and Orthotics is providing most advanced light weight, low cost, durable orthosis and prosthesis to the patient coming to Civil Hospital Ahmedabad. Department is running with full fledge setup to provide high tech prosthesis and cosmetic restoration for various amputees.

Success stories of patients

Jagannath Radhesyam Yadav, a 36 years old male had an injury due to fall down bike at Harwant District, approx. 3 years ago at 2pm. Then he went to Indore private hospital where incision was place on swelling site after which patient discharged sinus was developed and later B/L discharged sinus was developed affecting both his leg. And, thus after 1year of fall down blackening was developed on injury site due which dead one was removed and illizarow fixator was done on left site with 4 rings on tibia and fibula. Later after 1 year 8 months of illizaror fracture there was non – uniform of bone in upper tibia left side due to which one additional ring was inserted on lower femur above knee. Due to uniformity we can see leg length discrepancy in patient. The patient feet is also in equinous positon. Because of which the patient is unable to mobile independently. He wheel chair for his mobility purpose. Later when Patient came to us, considering his condition we decided to go for Orthoprosthesis. That is, first we make an AFO [ankle foot orthosis] with minimal correction in foot. To manage LLD we add prosthesis feet [SACH foot] to the AFO. After that we gave the patient gait training. Instructing him to take all careful measures. We taught him how to walk on stairs, ramps and on uneven surfaces.

Dalsukhbhai khamebhai Bhil, 58 Years old male from Surti Fadiyu. Godhra, Gujarat. He was vendor and selling cutlery in the streets by riding bi-cycle. One coming back home after selling cutlery he had road traffic accident. He had left side below elbow amputation. Few years he managed himself like that only after sometime he started feeling depressed and low because of being dependent on other. Than he came to our department that is P and O department. We took his history done proper assesment, and considering his requirements. We fitted him left side below elbow prosthesis.

So, now Mr. Dal sukhbhai is happy to find his life easy as he is able to do his day to day activity by himself and one again can ride his bi-cycle.

Vidhata; A 11 year old female child patient having congenital limb deficiency of both lower limb as well as upper limb come to the department as surgery is complication for her and we have successfully fitted the patient with bi lateral lower limb prosthesis with modular hi tech components in P and O department  and provided her gait training to walk independently with assistive device and this is happen due to constant support provided by our director Dr. Rajesh Solanki.

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Mittalben; A 45 year old female patient having loss of bi lateral lower limb at above knee level due to train accident. Was come to the P and O department and with the supervision from our director we have made patient stand and walk again with modular trasnsfemoral prosthesis and provided her with gait training and make her independent for mobility and walking.

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Pushpraj Kapadiya; A 45 years old male patient having loss of bi lateral lower limb at below knee level with long stump due to loss of blood supply before 5 years. He was come in P and O department for fitment of new artificial limb. We successfully fitted him a bi lateral prosthesis with SACH foot, PTB SC SP socket and a sleeve suspension. Then we gave him a gait training and make him independent. Now at present He is able to walk independently without any support as well as can climb stairs. At present he is living his life as a normal person and very much happy and satisfied.

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Altafbhai; A 37 year old male patient has an amputation at right side at level of knee due to RTA before 4 years. He has come to the P and O department for the new artificial limb we have successfully fitted him a prosthesis with a SACH foot, Polycentric knee joint, L bracket, Total contact socket and a TES belt suspension. We gave him a gait training and make him independent his only goal in life after amputation is to walk independent from his home to work. Now present he walk independently and very happy and satisfied.

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